
It’s been a long time since I wrote or updated you about my school or the happenings there. [Hey…yea….I’m terribly laughing at your envy filled eyes…:D ]. Okay, so lets not go far but begin with this week.
This week has been really busy…We had a Science and Computer Exhibition at school. It had three sections: Junior (classes/grade 6-7); Senior (classes/grade 8-10) and College (classes/grade 11 & 12). I participated in the Computer section.
I and a group of five friends made a presentation on Weird Gadgets & Gizmos. We had a real gala time working together and enjoyed ourselves to the core….that’s why I say, team work is far more fun! Our presentation was naturally appreciated by all as it was more creative and innovative! (Ha….what else do you expect when I’m there?? LOL!)
The science exhibition was good too though a bit boring, I must admit! Then we have a music competition coming up and there is all chaos in school with people running here and there for the practices! I’m far too bad at music to participate. Dance and music aren’t my cup of tea!!! Anyways, it’s real nice listening to melodious tunes while studying. Then we also have an Art & Poster Making Competition soon! Wooo……lots of stuff, huh??
And amidst all this pandemonium we all forgot that our first-term/ half-yearly examinations begin from 11th September!!! OH MY GOD!! There so much to study this year…I have no idea how I’ll do it all.
Mathematics is really tough and so is Chemistry. Biology is interesting though I would also say difficult…GOSH!! So my specs are on the tip of my nose (By the way, did I tell you I’ve got spectacles?? Too much reading or computer….you guess!!)
And then school still remains a place to enjoy with friends, interact with teachers, get naughty (I’m good at that) ….Oh! Did I tell you about the recent prank I played on my teacher….I gifted her a shock pen…yea….and you bet the scream is still echoing in my ears and so is the punishment LOL!
Nothing special than this, I’ll try start giving regular updates now though. And yes, I’m really sorry for being inactive for more than a week. Actually the internet connection at my house was out. But we’ve got it again now so no probs. I’m back and in full form…..Have A Great Day Guys!!!
According to the format, they have categorized the stories into batches on the basis of the dates of submission. My story, THE
reading this post reminded me of my school days.. freak!! how much i miss school.. btw which school are you in?
how right u r!!!!
Seeing my classroom while I read this. Thanks Megh
Best wishes on your school and studies!
Reminds me of the fun time we had in school during exhibitions and projects.. Miss them *Sigh*
i totally time travelled ...
school was surely fun :) i miss it sometimes
hey meghna do you visit blogcatalog regularly. If you do i was thinking of making you group admin of Personal Blogs. Well its now a big group and I'm not able to check it out regularly. whats ur answer?
@ Narayan- I guess you were pretty fond of school then :0...OOO....please let that remain a's a convent school, btw!
@ Adi- I know we share the same feelings :)
And yes I have not grown that old.. anyways which school is this??
@ CIndy- yea....I need then...thanks a lot :D
@ susanno- Then I can feel you smiling too :)
@ Shalini- yes!!! We had lots of getting jealous eh?? LOL!
@ Vandita- Aha....wishing for a time capsule di?? Wish you get one LOL!
@ Ankit- You sure you asking me?? I think I'm too young yaaar....dunno if I'll be able to manage :)
It's a convent school bro and the best place in the world for me!!!
ok no prob...
so in bio group...:P
I am good at music. Yaar exams atart hone waale hein tumhaar....meri to abhi forst term bhi start nai hoi.
Best of luck and yes...i have voted for you:D
Hi Meghna
What days you spent!! Thanks for sharing such funny, amazing and nice stories with us... I've discovered another similarity between us, we both DON'T like Maths and think it is hard!!
Well, good luck in your studies, work really hard, I hope you do well and get a good score. Plus, you have some very funny pranks you've done on your teachers... LOL LOL... The photo is so cool, it suits the post really well!!
Very entertaining post, I cannot wait for the next one of its kind Meghna.
I'll vote for your lovely story!! I really hope it wins because you've put ALOT of effort into it and you deserve it for writing posts so greatly. Well done! Count my vote in!!!! ;)
Love, Nadine
Oh Meghna
I voted for you, but it's a shame I can't vote more than once! And it is a HUGE shame you aren't winning because you story is so good...
Andrew's story is winning! But I want YOURS to win! I hope it does.
Hi Meg,
You're so fortunate to have a wonderful time in school. When I was at your age, I need to work in between school days to help the family needs.
Anyways, I voted for you not because I consider you as my virtual friend, but because I like your style in thrilling your readers.
Good luck and enjoy your youth!
hmmm....i miss my school days:(...
my vote for u!!!..:)
i voted!
voted for u...hope u win
And School days days of ones life :)
have fun n enjoy urself, thy nvr come bck :(
@ Vishesh- it man....BTW, did you vote bro??
@ Sahefa- Wow! Lucky you :envy:
Acchi tarah masti kar lo then :P
Thanks a lot :)
@ Nadine- I HATE MATHS!!! LOL! Glad you liked it all....I put a lot of effort into the prank too!! Glad you liked the story and looking forward to your vote and my winning then :P
@ Nadine- With your help and support, I'm sure I'll be on top soon...BTW, Nadine, can you tell your friends to vote for me too ??
@ Angel- That sounds bad....but you are at least happy now :) I take you as a guardian, a mentor, a friend and a fabulous reader :) Thanks for the vote!!!
@ Divi di- THANKSSS!! yea....I'm enjoying it to the core....and yaar....abhi toh shuru hui hai masti y u aftr finishing it up so soon LOL! :P
U are a good writter...........My vote goes to u :)
Prank with teacher? bravo u that I am not! My schooling life runs in mind going through urs, esp. the competition times are unforgettable, hope u enjoying with your team mates creating anything.
wish you for winning competition sis. My vote for you :)
that was a goog post
best wishes for your studies.
will definitely vote..
did you see my cartoon?
Our presentation was naturally appreciated by all as it was more creative and innovative! I likeed that :)
And how can I vote, there is no link for voting on dwt page.
Hi - I have voted for you - its a clear winner - congrats...
oh - and I have tagged you -
go and read the rules - I am sure you will have lots of fun with this..hugs Annie
hieeee meghdu!!
*ahem ahem*
Don't insult the music compy y okay [:p]
And *yawn* =P
Im so done n over with school lol! but I can say those were my BEST years of life!
so waht all werid gizmos did u use forthe exhibition? :) btw, u r tagged, l'll sis :)
aarre waah munnu ne presentation diya...hume bhi sunao :P
and I voted for ya ;)
ankh band kar ke :P
bhai isiliye na hote hai :P
@ Sachin- Really kind of you :P
@ Jeevan- Certainly!!!And schoool life is incomplete without pranks bro. I'm glad :)
@MIP- Will vote? Hey....time will be up....please hurry bro. Yea.....had a good taught at the cartoon but was unable to post a comment...sorry!!
@ Anand- LOL! You need to scroll down the end of the page, you'll find the poll!
@ Annie- Really nice of you :) I'll try to do it soon!
@ AAyu- You know how I am!! Miss sleepy head....please do it yaar!!
@ Keshi di- They certainly are a roller coaster ride!!! BTW, did you vote??? please do it di....need your help you know :)
@ BB- first vote.....did you do it bro??? Thanks for the tag.....Can't recount how many I have as pending but I'll do them all soon :)
@ Sourish Bhaiya- SSSSHhhhhhooooo SHwwwweeeettttt of you! Isliye toh bhaiya kehti hoon!!!
Hi Meghna. I gave you my vote the other day. I hope you do well. If you keep it up, whether you win this one or not, you will do well and I think you will become one of India's best and most famous writers.
Just don't forget to remember me when you do? lol
Hi Meghna,
Those exhibitions are a lot of fun...
I've posted something on my blog, so if you can, visit it!
Stephie :P
I can't wait to read your story...going there next!
Shame on you for your SHOCKING behavior! I bet it was pretty funny seeing your teacher's reaction!
@ Don- Thanks a lot for the vote. I don't think I've won this one but I'm certainly not giving up!!!
LOL! I'll never ever forget you, even if I don't become one :)
@ Stephi- Certainly! I'm off sweetie :)
@ Monica- Hope you like it! He...he....Yea.....actually it was more shocking for the teacher coz she was new and she didn't expect this from a girl as "good and sweet" as me!!! But now she and you know :P
Glad that you are enjoying your school days!They are precious times.Good luck with the exams dear :)
@ Sameer di- Certainly!! Thanks a lot di :)
Hi Meghna,
thanks for the comment! Argentina finally got the 33th place at the Olympic Games, but India wasn't bad! Thanks again for the comment :)
@ Stephi- Congrats!! India didn't do that well but I hope it does better next time :)
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