Is God Really Up There?

They say He’s up there
Looking down on you
He’s really busy
Ceasing troubles for all you do
They say He helps you
But can you ever believe?
When you are most in want
His face can never be seen
If He’s really there
There wouldn’t have been so many sufferings
You’d tell me they are essential; for they teach the way of life
Then, if life is so difficult, why can’t He make it light?
If He’s there, why can’t He enlighten this world?
With his ever vivid light
And bring a ray of new hope
Upon every evil dark night?
And if not all this, why would He not save himself?
Man has made so many partitions in His name
For the sake of temples or churches
But He quietly bears this discrimination of his fame!
But never mind, I know He is
For world has made so many amends
And it’s not man who does it all
It’s HIM and I’ll be waiting till He reads this call!
Okay, so now it’s your turn to enlighten me and answer this question which troubles a thousand minds alike- IS THE GOOD GREAT LORD REALLY UP THERE?
very pretty poem and inspiring!
very nice poem...This is one of the most debated issues ever..but I do tend to believe that we came from somewhere...
good write up...
and its unbelievable that its coming from a person of your age,,
way to go..!!
keep writing..
~Man has made so many partitions in His name
For the sake of temples or churches
But He quietly bears this discrimination of his fame!~
those were thought provoking..why GOD himself allow us to make different versions of him..?
keep exploring your thoughts..
wt a coincidence....wrote sumthn on similar lines, not exactly same though
ANd will look fwd to answeres here cuz i have the same question too
have a really nice eBook on this topic....lemmeknow ur email n i will send u...its awesome
The answer to your question is ofcourse yes. But we like to think he is not around when things do not go well with us and around. We like to think he is around when we get what we want.
I do not know if he is up there. When I was your age, I was pretty sure he was not. I questioned his existence. Now I still do not know if he is there or not but I believe there is a higher power.
Calling the mighty power, who guides me and you, as he/she, just assigns personification to the power.
@fairy- Thanks :0
@Janelle- Certainly....I believe so too but the question remains that if he is up there and sent us down, why doesn't he help us?
@Vinu- Thanks :P Exactly!!! I'll keep writing bro :)
@ DIvi di- Really?? Told you we had a bang connection! LOL! Off to read yours! WOW! I'd love to read it :P
@ Mumbai Guy- Maybe you are right....but not us, think of those living on streets who never get what they want! They are born and die in poverty without being able to fulfill any wishes (most of them).
@ Solitaire- I too believe in a mighty power coz I need someone to believe on....not that I too really know!
@aravind- It certainly does but he is commonly called so....sorry....if I'd given some wrong sense :P
fst of all .it was a beautiful peice of work..and i really loved the words and the meanings that they were holding
and to ur question
answer is
yes..if u r happy
No-- if ur not
but i do believe god exists...i fink better a super power..who has united the whole energy field created conditions and united the cells to a specific pattern to make human beings who can do any earthly thing and write poems too..
but inspite of having all the power to do all the things..we human depends on the shortcut..oh the god will do this for me...god is busy balancing the world..if he comes and repair my junks then who will balance the nature..
since we had invented money..and nearly all those troubles in the world..we people need to solve our problems..and if u think like that..u will find god is everywhere with every thing in the world... :)
I see a new very refresing and shiny :)
Lovely !!!
About god, I think there is, someone who wrote our destiny n sent us here ,some kinda power who's watching us as we're playing thru his already planned game thinking we can turn it over....
nice lines and good flow of words, sis. about the guy up there - is there any doubt? he is there, and is sure taking care of us. otherwise world would have ceased to exist long time back...
Wonderful poem Meghna...and the answer is that he is really up there. If he solved all the discrimination and all the problems then what is the point if living an independent life. d picture too :)
@ Vishesh- Thanks :P
@ SOurish bhaiya- ekdam bade bhaiya jaise samjhaya....I guess you are correct :) Got your true!!!
@ Enigma- Hey...glad to see you back after so long :)
@ Cindy di- Great thinking!!! :P That's why I always say- "love your thought process!!!!"
@ BB- "he is there, and is sure taking care of us. otherwise world would have ceased to exist long time back..."
Very well said :P
hmm quite controversial.. but really sweet and nice... and the pics reeely beetiful...
@ Sahefa- Sorry didn't get you....What do you mean by "what is the point if living an independent life." ?????? :P
@Trinaa- LOL! Thanks :P
@ Harini- Controversial of course....but what's your day?? Thanks :)
As we born and brought up, someone teach us what to follow in what they believe and hope. once we come to a stage of living with conscience its ours to change or follow. i don't have an answer for your query, but the faith is individual and none can force anybody. i feel u will know when u grow of activing individual.
Beautifull way of expressing your doubt dear!
@ Jeevan- Beautifully expressed bro... :D I hope I will understand!!
Though I did, a bit...
You ask is 'God really up there?' Well, whenever I look into the smile of a child, whenever I look at one hand helping another, or when i look upon the beauty of a flower, or a sunset, or gaze upon a million billion suns twinkling on a cloudless night, or I marvel at the myriad and complex life forms found here below, I know, and I know that I know, that there is a God up there!
Sweet verse dear!Keep it up :)
@ DOn- WOW! You've made me believe....the best and the sweetest comment I ever read.....touched my heart and soul and did not let my belief waver!!
Thanks a lot for those enlightening words :P
@ Sameera di- khi....khi...khi...Thanks :P
i don't know if there is someone up there or not, but one thing is for sure, if He is up there even then we cannot predict a perfectly peaceful world, what would He do if everyone is happy without Him.
And peace is boring for Him.
wonderfully voiced doubts dear...
and i can't answer ur question!
God is up there. I know because it took a true act of God for what happened to me with bringing me out of my thug life and bringing me into my Christian life. Plus the Lord Jesus Christ, conquered the grave by rising from it and ascended to heaven on a cloud to be at his Father's right hand (Read Acts). The reason there is suffering is because man decided to sin so that is God's punishment to us, man brought it on himself. God will end the suffering when Jesus comes riding on a cloud to claim his own and brings them to heaven.
It is a very discussed subject and I'm glad you believe in him but all you have to do is read a Bible if you don't know and then you will know that he does exist. Actually, you just have to look around you and know that there is an eternal creator.
@Anand- He...he....nice point of perspective.....interesting and innovative and I believe true!!
@Vandita di- Thanks :P Why? Have a yourself!!
@ Shawn- An enlightening experience for you and now for me when shared!!! I believe what you day is right as I cannot conflict you when you've experienced it yourself! Thanks for this lovely comment :P
Maybe he is up there!
Maybe he is not!
I am person who believes in "karma"..and not prayer!
I believe God is within us..and a wooden bead doesn't prove his being in us!
@ Aayu- Aha!! Very well said dear....maybe I should take a lesson or two from you :P
i believe in god!..i dont the reason
this is a nice rhyming poem
do u have any tips for me to start to write poems?
@ Broca- A diplomat, eh?? Or plain perplexed??
@ Zawan- Thanks ....LOL! Me an amateur myself but all I can say is that let your creativity flow and pe take control :P
I'm back after a week of holiday!! and I've got a present for you...find it on my blog later today!!
I do believe in God and He's surely up there...very inspiring poem! Well done...
Yes, God exists and one day, He will make everything right for those who believe in the Son he sent to save us from condemnation--Jesus Christ!
@ Nikita- hanks a lot...just posted a comment there :P
@ Karen- I have nothing else to say :) You said it all....
Yes, I REALLY believe that God exists. Our earthly problems are the results of bad choices from one of His gifts to us - Free Will.
Joe Breunig
He is up there. Father. Son. Holy Spirit.
Don't question. Have FAITH.
Faith. n.
strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
@ Joseph- Those words have struck reality in my brain!
@ Nick- I BELIEVE....and it's only coz of that, that we survive...I pray and have faith!
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