Friday, August 29, 2008

Can Younger People Teach The Old?

Can Younger People Teach The Old?
I love debates….literally! And where do I write about topics I love? My blog, naturally! When I realized this, I decided to put up a poll on my blog (at the sidebar) about the recent topic that’s creating a racket inside my conflicting mind. I believe my esteemed readers might help me out! And yes, now that the idea has struck my mind, I am determined to continue with it more often in future!!

The topic for today stands- CAN YOUNG PEOPLE TEACH OLDER PEOPLE?

No, It's Impossible. Are You Joking? (My View)

Since unknown years past, it is our parents, grandfathers or ancestors who have been teaching us their valued morals and traditions with the treasure box of experienced knowledge. It’s them who taught us to take our first few steps and taught us to stand erect. It is they who first taught us to hold the pencil and then write.
Can Younger People Teach The Old?
They have taught us the highly valued ethics, principles and wisdom of their experienced past. Without them sharing their life-teaching experiences we wouldn’t have been able to survive as we do. They still remain a golden treasure box of knowledge and teachings….

Oh! Sure. Why Not? (My View)

Living in this technologically enhanced era of the 21st millennium, where each child is better than the other, don’t you think the youth are exceptionally talented? Today’s world, where the youth are laid with the responsibility of the future of tomorrow, they are certainly more mature and learned than their age. As they say, “Intelligence and knowledge is not determined by age”, this young generation possess a plethora of knowledge and information which itself coCan Younger People Teach The Old?ntinues to become outdated by the moment.

The youngsters nowadays are inborn with the ability to learn new concepts and absorb information faster and rapidly, to survive in this competitive world. So don’t you think they have the aptitude it takes to share and teach their ideas and technologically enhanced information to the elders (if they possessed the desire to learn)?

So, What You Say?

Now from the conflicting points of view in my mind, question still remains, is the youth capable enough with their updated knowledge in the 21st century or the elders still surpass their younger generation in spreading their knowledge and teachings?

So you tell me, by comments and votes, (I've put up a poll in the sidebar- you can even type your own answers by typing in the box below the option: OTHER) as to what you think…..Can Young People Teach Older People? Your comments are highly valuable so don’t let your words/thoughts go waste….nor the click of your mouse at the poll :D

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is God Really Up There?


They say He’s up there
Looking down on you
He’s really busy
Ceasing troubles for all you do

They say He helps you
But can you ever believe?
When you are most in want
His face can never be seen

If He’s really there
There wouldn’t have been so many sufferings
You’d tell me they are essential; for they teach the way of life
Then, if life is so difficult, why can’t He make it light?

If He’s there, why can’t He enlighten this world?
With his ever vivid light
And bring a ray of new hope
Upon every evil dark night?

And if not all this, why would He not save himself?
Man has made so many partitions in His name
For the sake of temples or churches
But He quietly bears this discrimination of his fame!

But never mind, I know He is
For world has made so many amends
And it’s not man who does it all
It’s HIM and I’ll be waiting till He reads this call!

Okay, so now it’s your turn to enlighten me and answer this question which troubles a thousand minds alike- IS THE GOOD GREAT LORD REALLY UP THERE?

Friday, August 22, 2008



It’s been a long time since I wrote or updated you about my school or the happenings there. [Hey…yea….I’m terribly laughing at your envy filled eyes…:D ]. Okay, so lets not go far but begin with this week.

This week has been really busy…We had a Science and Computer Exhibition at school. It had three sections: Junior (classes/grade 6-7); Senior (classes/grade 8-10) and College (classes/grade 11 & 12). I participated in the Computer section.

I and a group of five friends made a presentation on Weird Gadgets & Gizmos. We had a real gala time working together and enjoyed ourselves to the core….that’s why I say, team work is far more fun! Our presentation was naturally appreciated by all as it was more creative and innovative! (Ha….what else do you expect when I’m there?? LOL!)

The science exhibition was good too though a bit boring, I must admit! Then we have a music competition coming up and there is all chaos in school with people running here and there for the practices! I’m far too bad at music to participate. Dance and music aren’t my cup of tea!!! Anyways, it’s real nice listening to melodious tunes while studying. Then we also have an Art & Poster Making Competition soon! Wooo……lots of stuff, huh??

And amidst all this pandemonium we all forgot that our first-term/ half-yearly examinations begin from 11th September!!! OH MY GOD!! There so much to study this year…I have no idea how I’ll do it all.

Mathematics is really tough and so is Chemistry. Biology is interesting though I would also say difficult…GOSH!! So my specs are on the tip of my nose (By the way, did I tell you I’ve got spectacles?? Too much reading or computer….you guess!!)


And then school still remains a place to enjoy with friends, interact with teachers, get naughty (I’m good at that) ….Oh! Did I tell you about the recent prank I played on my teacher….I gifted her a shock pen…yea….and you bet the scream is still echoing in my ears and so is the punishment LOL!

Nothing special than this, I’ll try start giving regular updates now though. And yes, I’m really sorry for being inactive for more than a week. Actually the internet connection at my house was out. But we’ve got it again now so no probs. I’m back and in full form…..Have A Great Day Guys!!!

UPDATE: Guys I've got to request you something and it's very important! Please...please are the only friends I have in the virtual world and if not you, who??? So what I've got to say is that I participated in a short story writing competition at Daily Writing Tips.

According to the format, they have categorized the stories into batches on the basis of the dates of submission. My story, THE BATTLE, which has also been published on my blog and enjoyed by all, is in the fifth batch. There are ten stories here. And to surpass this round, I need to get the maximum votes to get selected into the next round. SO kindly vote for me here DWT- Short Story Competition (Click on DWT) and remember, my story is number #2!!!! Please....I'll be really grateful of you :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy 61st Birthday India!

Indian Flag
Hey Guys, I'm terribly excited today! Filled with the fervor of nationalism and a proud India.....glad to wish you all a 61st Happy Independence Day!

After a well-known struggle of many years, India became independent on 15th August, 1947. Great leaders of our country like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Rani Laxmibai and many others helped in the struggle and it is due to them that I, we- all Indians who have spread their fame far and wide are present here!

So what are your plans for the day??? I have a flag hoisting function at school today and I'm free the rest of the day. But this Independence Day is different. Frankly, this time I feel the Indian blood running hot through my nerves, bursting to show it's valor!

India is a developing country with Indians having spread it’s fame and made it proud. Abhinav Bindra winning the recent gold at Olympics, Microsoft and other US companies prospering due to the increased number of Indians working there, Indian cricketers having a good hold and every sphere of Indians thriving, what else can you call INDIA than a great Nation?

But yes, like all other nations, it too has it’s drawbacks which is holding it afar. I don't know if you people have realized this but we (Indians) always keep groaning about everything. We groan about the roads being dirty and blame the municipality. We blame the politicians being corrupt burdening their shoulders. We, as humans, are not ready to accept OUR INDULGENCE in any faults! Wonder why?

So this day, I vow to do something for my country when I grow up.....and something meaningful rather, not just putting up the Indian tricolor as a home decoration outside and not even paying it the required respect. And if not us, who???? We selected our politicians and if they do something wrong, WE ARE TO BE BLAMED (rather you than I.....I'm not 18 LOL!).

We just need to change our outlook and participate and I’m certain our country will touch the zenith of success!

Okay, so what tomorrow?? I'm really excited. For all those who do not know, tomorrow is Raksha Bandhan. All those who want to know about this Indian festival can read it by clicking on Wikipedia. In short, Raksha Bandhan is a festival which celebrates the relationship between brothers and sisters.

The festival is marked by the tying of a rakhi, or holy thread by the sister on the wrist of her brother. The brother in return offers a gift to his sister and vows to protect her sister against all evils. The brother and sister traditionally feed each other sweets.

Tomorrow will be really exciting and interesting . I've been looking forward to it and I'm glad it's come! Waiting eagerly for the gift and hope my brother likes the rakhi :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Picture

She dumped her bag on the floor and was shouting out to the maid for a refreshing and rejuvenating lemon juice and it was then that her eyes fell upon it…… But today it was cracked and the once silver shimmering frame that she had always caressed with her loving hand, was now rusty and junked.

She stared it with mesmerizing eyes, a moment before picking it up in her hands. She brought it closer and closer until her eyes could penetrate through the broken glass and peer deep into his soul. She had already cured her broken heart. But when she stared at it a moment longer, she couldn’t help her flowing tears.

The drops trickled down the shattered glass, getting into the picture and dampening it. The face had a blurred huge smile, a loving one… who doesn’t only laugh himself but makes the ambience; the air laugh along. He wore the red shirt she had gifted and she could remember how she had affectionately ruffled his hair. He was tall and with an enchanting dark complexion.

But no…..they were the eyes that intrigued and enthralled the one who looked at him. His eyes were so dark, soulful and deep that one could just peer in and the indelible laughing face would be forever adorned on the inkling mind. They had that mesmeric beauty and fascination which always attained a second look. No one could resist him….nor could she…

Stirring out of her dreams as someone called out loud for her, before hastily running off, she kissed the picture with wet lips and uttered…”I love you and miss you Dad!”

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another Change?

Blog header

Back again guys, but this time with a new template. I read you valued comments to the previous post and realized that the majority liked the old template better and yes, I myself wasn’t satisfied with the overall look and feel it presented! Yea…yea…you mustn’t have seen many bloggers changing templates every week but please bear with me :P

I hope you people like this one better than before. I think it is, actually….clean and elegant and the kind of 3-column template, I needed!

And yes, before I forget, need to tell you that I’ve also changed my blogger avatar so if you see a fresh face around… not fumble coz it’s me!! About my other blog, The Writing Pages, the template isn’t that bad; but I’m having a load many problems with it. I’ll try to try another one soon! Until then, please let me know what you think about this one!!!! Your comments are valuable :P


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Birthday

Hellllloooo all….Hey….aren’t you asking me why such a loud and vigorous hello today? Is it something special?? Then, I really need to tell you…yes, there is!!!
Just last year, I had sat surfing through the net, read blogs but never commented and then suddenly, an idea popped into my head while scrolling down some blogs that why don’t I start one myself, huh? Frankly, at first I was reluctant and hesitant. My mind echoed with thoughts that, “It isn’t meant for you. You are too young…..blogging is for adults. The blogosphere is a “No Entry For Kids” and only an OLDIES ZONE (oldies is my creation and refers to adults….not being cheeky LOL!)

Then my optimistic and angelic side took a strong hold. It said, “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic. Someone has to do it….someone has to begin so why not you? And anyways, there are many other kids out there who blog about technology and stuff. Then the pessimistic one whispered, “But do you have any knowledge about technology and are you adroit enough?” Then I said, “Yes, I’ll post my writings and things that interest me! Poems, strange news, kids, creative writing, stories…….and what not! I’ll make it an interesting read and try it my best.”

And eventually, my blog- “Delve Into The Mind Of A Budding Blogger” was given birth in August 2007t, with the help of my pillar of support- Dad. And once I got into it, there was no looking back. Every day I learnt and discovered something new. I intermingled with like-minded people and shared my thoughts through comments and it really helped to let others know, I am there!

It helped me take responsibilities, helped me utilize my time instead of whiling it away, helped me build the curiosity and enhance my courage to speak up, helped me improve in my writing skills and thought process, improved my inner self and told me to be a light that shines, helped me enlighten the creative streak in me and most of all, it gave me the valor to show up!

I know I’m in love with my blog….I’m obsessed with it. Obsessed with, thinking what to do next, with writing, reading and commenting. And more than that, I’m obsessed with my readers and their comments which help me understand myself better.

So I wish my blog, A Very Happy First Birthday!!! Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day dear, and may you have many more years like these to come :)
And I also take the opportunity to express my sincere regards towards all my reader, friends, supporters without whom, this blog would never have reached this height! Thanks a lot to all!

New Templates

Every birthday girl gets an intriguing gift on her birthday….so what’s it for me (or for my blog to be precise!) you ask! Time to reveal the show and pull up the curtains. As all girls adore a new dress, so my blog gets one too! Although I had a wonderful and one of the best template previously, I decided it was time to give my blog a fresh look. I’ve been working on it for a month now I believe. Searching for new templates, and discovered many fabulous three-column blogger templates. Finally, I decided on this one as it’s very simple, sober and easy to adapt! Now, it’s your duty to tell me how the new look looks like? I thought it was cool to have a template which related to my blog content as a diary!

Now, isn’t it natural for the younger sibling of my blog girl gets a new dress too? That’s the reason you will see a new look on my other blog ‘The Writing Pages’ too. The template is simple and relevant! Earlier I had zeroed in on nearly the same (diary-kind ) templates for both the blogs but unfortunately, it would not work well on Delve or on Writing Pages! Please open the site and tell me how it looks! All suggestions and greetings for the 1 year old Birthday baby is welcome….wow….guys, seriously…I cannot believe at all that I’ve been blogging for so long!

Blogger template 'YellowFlower' by 2008