Can Younger People Teach The Old?

The topic for today stands- CAN YOUNG PEOPLE TEACH OLDER PEOPLE?
No, It's Impossible. Are You Joking? (My View)
Since unknown years past, it is our parents, grandfathers or ancestors who have been teaching us their valued morals and traditions with the treasure box of experienced knowledge. It’s them who taught us to take our first few steps and taught us to stand erect. It is they who first taught us to hold the pencil and then write.
They have taught us the highly valued ethics, principles and wisdom of their experienced past. Without them sharing their life-teaching experiences we wouldn’t have been able to survive as we do. They still remain a golden treasure box of knowledge and teachings….
Oh! Sure. Why Not? (My View)
Living in this technologically enhanced era of the 21st millennium, where each child is better than the other, don’t you think the youth are exceptionally talented? Today’s world, where the youth are laid with the responsibility of the future of tomorrow, they are certainly more mature and learned than their age. As they say, “Intelligence and knowledge is not determined by age”, this young generation possess a plethora of knowledge and information which itself co

The youngsters nowadays are inborn with the ability to learn new concepts and absorb information faster and rapidly, to survive in this competitive world. So don’t you think they have the aptitude it takes to share and teach their ideas and technologically enhanced information to the elders (if they possessed the desire to learn)?
So, What You Say?
Now from the conflicting points of view in my mind, question still remains, is the youth capable enough with their updated knowledge in the 21st century or the elders still surpass their younger generation in spreading their knowledge and teachings?
So you tell me, by comments and votes, (I've put up a poll in the sidebar- you can even type your own answers by typing in the box below the option: OTHER) as to what you think…..Can Young People Teach Older People? Your comments are highly valuable so don’t let your words/thoughts go waste….nor the click of your mouse at the poll :D