One morning, I woke up lazily from bed as the bright morning sunshine streamed into my room. I gave a big yawn and lazily got up and went near the window. The early morning scene outside has always delighted me. It looks as if the image every nature lover paints on his canvas. An exact replica of what I want the earth to be!
And then again, I saw the sweet little birds sitting high on the branch of the tree and singing their melodious tune. And then suddenly, as if there was some confusion, a bird flew into the sky, flapping it’s feather’s vigorously! Without thinking or even knowing what I was doing, I opened the window and jumped out in pursuit of the bird. Thankfully my room was on the ground floor, but….but…why do I say so? Because I didn’t fall on the ground with a terrible thud and have my body imprinted on the soft mud but miraculously, I rose up.
I stretched my hands, slowly yet steadily, and when both were fully stretched, I stood kept on moving…amazed! I was in the air, wow! The cool air brushed past my face, flooding my mind with a new zest and vigor. I flew in the air….as if there was no tomorrow…as if there was no one around…as if I was……I was really content.
But then, a sudden thought struck my mind. “I have always seen those with supernatural powers do this. Only humans who are, but Superheroes do this…isn’t it?”, I asked myself, suddenly fearing this new responsibility. “So, have I become a superhero, who saves the world or something?” I asked myself. As if in answer, I saw a green light gleaming in the vast sky to my right. I followed the trail and there I heard a voice which exclaimed, “Dear daughter, you have been blessed with the power to fly. But it will not remain so forever…..This is only for a day, so go…go now and enjoy yourself!
I was happily puzzled, but I knew I had no time to ponder now! I knew I had to go down soon and get ready for school. I flew down, decreasing my speed as the altitude decreased. Initially, my ride was a little wobbly but now, I improved. I got ready soon and wishing good bye to my parents, went to the side street waiting for my school bus. The bus driver, as a nasty and lazy man he was, was late once again! The third day in a row! I was irritated but had no choice except waiting. But not today, “why not fly to school, eh?”
And that’s just what I did. I went round the corner and when there was nobody around. I rose from the ground. A bit by bit when at last, I was in the free sky! I looked down and saw the bustling streets, the cars, buses and yeah, my bus….which went on speeding, when they couldn’t find me! I felt an inner sense of pleasure when I realized how easy it was up here. I didn’t experience or have to fear of rushing into another body except the small birds! I could fly at any speed I wanted and thus reached school in time.
I could not really contain myself but had to wait until recess so I could tell my friends about this! And yeah, their faces went green when they heard about this. I showed my new power to them too. Hoards of children collected around me, everyone shouting slogans in my favor. Suddenly, I had become a celebrity. Children wanted my autographs, and some asked me to tell them how the experience was. Some requested me to take them and some asked me what was there in the sky……
I enjoyed my sudden popularity and took it to my full benefit. I took the small kids on a ride with me. “Yipppeeeee” they screeched with joy and their beaming faces ran to their friends. After school I flew back home and after finishing my home work, I went out to enjoy. I went up in the night sky, the starry lit sky. I went near the stars and saw how huge they were. They had bright light on their edges and I waved to their smiling faces. I got a beaming smile and wave in return. I then flew to Uncle Moon, who smiled his gentle smile and showered his blessings upon me. Ecstatically, I enjoyed every bit of this new capability.
I was enjoying myself to the core of my heart and forgot the count of time. It was after midnight that my energy was drained and I went back to my room. I lay in my bed, thanking Lord for this most wonderful day in my life. I had a content smile etched on my face, as I slept and my dreams were full of the smiling stars and the good, Uncle Moon!
I always keep looking at birds in the sky. They spread their exquisitely beautiful wings and soar high up into the sky. They fly over the whole world and look down and see the humans as we see ants. They have freedom in the sky, as much as freedom as anyone ever craves to have!
Wow! How good their life is. Birds are my favorite animals and whenever I look at them, the only thing I can say is, “I wish I could fly too!” But, I know I’m not like that elephant in that famous Indian Folktale who dreams to soar in the sky and often tries strange antiques for this purpose! I know I can’t put banana leaves on my palms and jump from a high cliff, flapping my arms as if they were wings. I am not that stupid, eh?
But so what if I can’t fly in reality? I have always got the power…the right to dream, have I not?

This is another nice piece from my favorite Indian child blogger. However, you repeated the first paragraph twice. All-in-all, a nice piece.
Keep it up!
Thank you very much for pointing out the repetition mistake. I've rectified that now. I'm glad that you liked the post.
Exceptionally nice :)
Keep it up Meghz!
A nice blog you have here.....continue blogging and do visit my page, when you find time!!TC!
if you want you can fly...all you have to do is believe you can...it is how badly you want to fly which is important...:)
you are a wonderful writer.
Hi Meghna, as always, another great post!
Thanks for your comment, I'll be posting chapter six soon.
Congrats! Great post!
Nice one. Even though I'm not a child anymore, I like to see birds flying in the sky. As you said we have always got the power, the right to dream, we can always fly.
Incidentally, my favorite bird is penguin. But they don't fly. So what, they are so cute :)
Hi Meghna!
You see, you are a FANTASTIC writer who has GREAT description!
I wish i could fly too. Sometimes, i even say to myself," Maybe fairy tales will come true, maybe dolls really speak to each other while we are away, maybe, people might have superpowers for real!"
Even though i think it, it is not true! :(
But i enjoyed reading the experience of you flying. I wish i could fly over like a bird too, and have fun anytime i want to disappear.
The girl would have really had fun if she even flied forever. I would!
I still can't stop believing in Flying!
And thanks for writing it and making me read something new, i love reading!!!
THANKS MEGHNA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the lovely comment Meghna!
You are RIGHT! Congratulations!
But i have changed the riddle, it was too easy. I want everyone to challenge themselves that's why i put up a hard one. Try it. And read it properly!
Since you are a great writer, I'm expecting YOU to figure it out!!!!
And nice to hear that I'm not the only one obsessed with riddles. Good to know i can trust someone like you Meghna, and that i have a great friend that is obsessed in riddles as much as i am!
hmm...cant comment...its really good...write something about ur experiences and all...
Hi Meghna. It's Naveen! Sorry I haven't been in touch for a long time, I've been really busy in class. I was wondering if you could introduce me to 'i am a lover of children's literature'. The first person who gavr you a comment on this post, if that's not too much trouble. Ca you please ask them to visit my blog, and tell them a bit about me, like my name I was born in New Zealand but I am a Indian, Ilive in New Zealand, and what school I go to. I would really appreciate it.
Oh, and great post. I wish I could fly!
Hi Aayushi,
Thanks friend! I really appreciate your compliment :D
Hi m.Flower,
Thanks for dropping by and glad you liked the blog! I'll visit your place soon....
Hi Vishesh,
Rightly said but this is a bit philosophical :) I just can't fly even if I crave for it from my heart!
Thanks :P
Hi Stephie,
I'll be reading and commenting on chapter six as soon as you finish it! Thanks :D
Hi Anand,
I had always thought that birds were very fascinating for everyone alike, whether young or old! I like every bird and I too like penguins....they are really cute :)
I'm glad you liked my dream and thanks for the motivation :P
Hi Nadine,
I believe we have really similar thoughts, eh? I too tend to believe in fairy tales at times and wish that they do come true! I'm glad you liked my post and thanks for all the compliments :D
Hi once again Nadine,
I'm glad I got that one correct too. It's wise of you to change the riddle and I'll try to rattle my stiff brains once again :) we all are riddle obsessed :P
hey..nice post...excellent writing skills..ya the power to dream is ours after all
Hi Pratap,
I have written about my experiences too; as in what would happen if I could fly too.....But I suppose that isn't really long but it still is there. Thanks :P
Hi naveen,
I'm glad you visited and liked my writings.....
I will tell Don (I am a lover of children's literature) about you and your blog. I'm glad to be helping :P
Hi Enigma,
Thanks :p
The power to dream is certainly all ours........
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