My Memorable Moments!

I woke up that morning filled with new zest and vigor. My excitement and joy knew no bounds. Why not? It was my birthday today!
But there was something strange today. There wasn’t any huge card on my bedroom wall saying Happy Birthday. I looked at my bedside table in horror. There was…Oh! no nicely wrapped present lying on the table.
Filled with dismay and disbelief I bounded down the stairs almost jumping over three stairs at a time. I ran to the kitchen and found no one. I then went to my father’s study and my brother’s bedroom but they were both empty.
Tears were on the urge to flow down my eyes when I noticed a small note lying on the table. Filled with hope that it was a sweet little birthday card I opened it. But no! It was a note telling me that my family had gone to my Aunt’s house and that there was food and milk in the refrigerator.
Filled with great annoyance and deeply hurt, I spent my whole day doing nothing in particular. I didn’t even receive any phone calls or those usual birthday visits from friends and family. I then went up to my room and decided to have a quiet nap.
After an hour or so I heard some noises coming from downstairs. Afraid that some burglars had entered the house I went to investigate. The living room was in complete darkness and I was sure that I had left at least one light switched on.
Suddenly my eyes were blazed as the room was flooded with lights. My parent’s friends and family stood with huge smiles on their faces. The room was nicely decorated and there were numerous presents lying on the table accompanied by a huge and yummy chocolate cake. Oh, it did seem really delicious!
The rest of the day was really enjoyable. I had no clue that my parent’s had arranged for a surprise birthday party! It really was wonderful!
What you have just read is an account of my last birthday party which was certainly the best of all the birthdays I ever had! Have you all ever had the pleasure to enjoy this kind of a party? Do tell me something about it by writing a comment.
Hey meghna! Happy Birthday! cute little 12-year-old or are u a teenager now?? U kids are all tech freaks! loved ur blog! :) I never had a surprise birthday party like this but sure have thrown such parties. We all surprised our cousin! And all of us were hiding in her loo! It was large enuf accommodate us! :)
Hi Meghna! What a great post! About the question you wrote in the post... my birthdays are great because of the presents,food and all the happiness! Keep writing!
Hi puresunshine,
Oh no this is the surprise birthday party I received last year when I turned 12. Glad that you liked the blog! Wow! Sure you must have enjoyed giving the surprise party as much as I enjoyed having it!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and telling me about your experiences.
Hi Stephi,
Great to know that you too enjoy your birthdays. I too love the presents the foody and then there is too much joy too.
Keep visiting!
You've again come up beautifully with your imagination! Or was it real?
Dear Meghna,
You've explained your last birthday beautifully. Hope your future birthdays also shall be as entertaining as this one...
Hi tkg and peter pie,
Thanks for these encouraging words. Oh yes!this was a real incident that happened during my last birthday. Glad you all enjoyed it!
Happy Birthday Meg !
From Tammy & Daddy :-)
Happy Birthday Meghna! Are you a teenager now?!? :D
You're making me blush with your compliments ;). Your writing style is fantastic as well, and the insight in your entries is very impressive for your age.
My family is from Tamil Nadu, but I was born in the U.S.A.. My extended family still lives in India though, so we visit there quite often.
Hi ranjani
That's great! So you do belong to India. Your blog is far better than mine and your way of writing is marvelous!
Keep reading!
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