I'm No Coward!

I sat on the chair
Boasting about my courage
I told everyone that
I was scared of no horror page
I said I wasn’t scared of
Great beasts or ghosts and I never cried
After saying this I was so sure
That my chest swelled up in pride
But suddenly I was proved wrong
As I screamed in fear
When I saw a rat
And then past my cheeks, trickled down a tear!
Hi josh here i really like your blog down your page a little bit theres your birthday post it was my birthday on the 10th of october im now 12 aswell keep visiting my blog at http://joshsamazingblog.blogspot.com/
Dear Meghna,
You really write very good humorous poems. This was in fact a very humorous poem indeed.
Nice poem, Meghna. How do you come up with all of your ideas? If I had half as much creative energy as you, then I wouldn't still be up trying to write my English paper :p. Keep up the good work!
Hi Josh,
Belated Happy Birthday Josh! I suppose you had a wonderful birthday as I did!
Thanks for dropping by and posting your comment. I'll certainly keep visiting your blog.
Dear Catherine,
Glad that you liked this small bit of humorous poem. Keep reading and I will tickle my way to your bones by writing more of such poems!
Hi Ranjani,
The ideas I suppose just strike my mind at times which I convert into poems/stories. But unfortunately my creativity doesn't help me much during English exams. I too keep thinking for hours. Nervousness, I believe! :-0
Thanks for this wonderful comment and I hope you keep visiting.
This is a great site! You're really doing good! Keep up the good work!
Grace and Peace,
Hi Ed,
I am really happy to know that you like my writing. Thank you for your kind words. Keep visiting!
Dear Meghna,
yer i agree with ed your really good at this keep writing , hay have you eva thought of writing a book or something. bet it would be a hit.
Hi shaido,
I am really grateful for the kind words of appreciation. You like my style of writing itself is an inspiration. Keep reading!! Thank you.
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