I entered the first class suite of the flight ….and oh my!! What a place!
I’d never ever, even in my dreams, imagined of traveling a meager business trip by first class. All that my pitiful music company could afford was the cheapest economy class flight ticket available on a local flight.
But as luck would have it, my flight got cancelled and to compensate, or by my stars, I was shifted to the first class section of an international flight.
I took the seat offered by a lovely air hostess, properly addressing by my name, Miss. Ramya. “My name had never before sounded so aristocratic”, I thought.
I had been provided with the window seat, by the plushest seats and comfortable headrest unlike that which I was used to.
I looked out of the window, all lost in my dreams of flamboyant blissfulness, when someone interrupted me. I unwillingly turned my face towards the interruption when my eyes were star struck….
Oh my Gosh!!! It is the great, famous and my idol, and recent Oscar winner- Mr. A.R Rahman.
Mr. Rahman was blabbering away to me in his sweet voice when all I did was stare back at his face. In my eyes there was all you can imagine- astonishment, respect, surprise, shock……
It took me a complete 5 minutes to realize that he was asking me to shift my luggage a bit to the left so that he could fit in his bags. It took another 15 minutes to believe that HE was my neighbor.
I just couldn’t stop staring at his face. No airy show or pomp about himself. I always read and knew that he was humble and modest, but never in my life had I imagined it was true, that too after winning my Oscar.
Another 5 minutes later, I realized that he was returning my flabbergasted gaze with a sweet smile. I fumbled a bit and finally managed to reply back with a smile.
“So, where to?” He asked in his musical voice.
“Mum…..mum…..Mumbai”, I replied.
He answered back with a sweet smile again. Then turned back again to mind his own work. He pulled out something that looked like an i-pod and plugged the ear phones to his ears. It took me another 15 minutes again before I touched him lightly on the arms and when he turned, I blurted out in one breath.
Are you really Mr. A.R Rahman?
He just smiled back innocently and said, “You want to hear something?”
“Su…sure”, I fumbled again, angry at myself now!
He took out a miniature keyboard, which easily fit into his laps…..and then smiled at me again
“The advent of technology”, I thought and then said out aloud, “could you please play the new sensation- Jai Ho! ?”
And then he began….oh what a time it was! I found myself lost in the melody, the tune churning around in my brain wonderfully. Each key struck was a masterstroke. The way his adroit hands moved on the keyboard and melted out the tunes, had me in awe.
And slowly the tunes came to an end and I turned back towards him, wisfully this time, with respect and confidence before muttering, "Thank you!"
"Thank you for what dear?" The old Parsi lady standing beside me asked back inquisitively.
I jolted back to the present. ….
Me standing in the local Rs 5 fare bus, being pushed to and fro by the bus jumping over the pits on the roads, the cheap tyres and the poverty stricken people. My mobile earphones finally jumped back to life with the RJ in the radio informing me that I had just heard A.R Rahman’s Oscar winning song!
All I could do was give a long sigh and mumble a unheard “nothing” to the lady.

This post is my congratulatory post (although a bit late, but better late than never, you know!) to the wonderful personality and music maestro, A.R Rahman, for winning the Oscar for Jai Ho and doing his nation and all citizens of India so proud!
P.S- I've shunned my good old specs for contact lenses :)
I'd be lying if I didn't say that for a second you had me there...
And Mr. Rahman, take a bow. For you are the alchemist, per se, of precious rarity. Period.
Peace. Have a nice day.
oh it was such a lovely dream!!
bt bt whoz Ramya here?
i hope this wil come true one day in ur life :P
hey, wish me the same too.. ;)
lovely post to congratulate A R Rahman!
let me also wish him congos thru ur post :)
That sure was a lovely dream and this sure in a very thoughtful gesture !
Loved it baby.
And oh, I think you'd look even more prettier now with that gleaming amile donning your smiley lips.
U had me Meghna! U did.....
Well whos Ramya?
Congo Rehman
wow ...
lovely depiction of well thought imagination ... great ...
and ya .. who is ramya ??????
Let me re-itrate the question asked by all commentators before me - who is this Ramya character? Do you have a secret identity you use in fantasies?
> P.S- I've shunned my good old specs for contact lenses :)
If I want to lose the specs, I just invoke my Mutant Healing abilities
ramya character is ...something i have to think sis...its good post to congratulate ya sis :)..
hi darlin'
tht was a nice dream - am sure rahman wil not mind the belated wish ;)
btw why in the world are ppl wonderin abt ramya here.. :P i rly cant surmise tht..
ps. n am sure it will be a welcome change 4 u.. but b careful ok,.. not too much strain eithr ;)
Nicely done post, my dear.
I was feeling so happy or to be little truthful jealous too at you luck but you brought me down with a THUD. Beautiful imagination. Wish, hope and pray that it becomes true sometime.
Take care
Lolz, wow, Lolz again.
This was one of the best post I read from you and easily amongst best ones around the blogworld. Justifies once again how good your writing skills are.
I have to admit, it was like travelling with you and chatting with A R Rahman.
Last year, I got a chance to travel by first class on British Airways flight from WashDC-London-Mumbai. There I was, amongst many celebrities, not dreaming, just thanking God again for everything especially after growing up in financially challenged surroundings.
Rehman will be proud to be in ur dreams :)
so sweet....
@ Kartz- OMG!! Your comments are real literature classes for me, I must say, like you r blog. You are wonderful!!!
Thanks :)
@ Swetha- I'm glad you think so! it isn't a you know, creative writing post, but a STORY....and ramya is the character.
@ Cidy di- thanks for your ever so sweet comments. I look no better than before, and really, these lenses are a thing to manage, I tell you :P
Am glad you liked it!!!
@ Princess- Ramya is the character of this story- it's a story, not an biography or creative writing!
@ SAU- Same there....ramya is the character of this story!
I'm not!!
I'm saying it out from her path..
Shame on my skills then, if I can't make a reader understand. Will sure try better next time!
@ Binny- I re-answer again....Ramya is the character of this story/fantasy. It';s not me, it's Ramya who is narrating this story (Though I am the WRITER)
I usually keep myself alive through the story, but this time I thought I'd give a chance to the poor gal :P
Thanks for the tip...I'll pay a visit sure!
@ Hemanth- Thanks a ton bro :)
@ Sulo- Thanks a ton again, for rejuvenating my confidence which was touching rock bottom. I'm glad someone understood :)
I'm sure careful....they do seriously cost a fortune then the good ol' specs. More than 1500 bucks.....n i cld get an i-pod shuffle for some more of that m sure taking care of both. my eyes n lenses :)
Thanks again!
@ Nice- Am so sorry abt that :P
Glad you liked it nevertheless:)
@ Don- Thanks :)
@ MG_ WOW!! You really are lucky...BTW, who all were there? :P
OMG!! I'm sure I don't deserve so much of praise, with half the ppl not understanding the character of the story!
@ Sourish bhaiya- n I'm so proud to be you sissy :P
nice A.R. wasn't carrying the Oscar..maybe Ramya could touch them :))
hey don evr say tht now kiddo.. i rly mean it.. as i said amnt sure y ppl asked abt tht,.. probably they are the 1st timers or the new ones to this space.. n thts one likely possibility of the quesn.. so don feel off now.. am sure ur lines were *crystal* as alwys! ;)
“My name had never before sounded so aristocratic”, I thought.
“So, where to?” He asked in his musical voice.
wah!!! meggie, i luvd this..
can i xpect a big "cheeeeese" now.. ;)
It is my pleasure and it is I who should thank you for those kind and rather generous statements. As regards what I wrote up there, I couldn't think of anything else; other than my own, humble tribute to the man himself, not too long ago... Titled, *The Alchemist of Precious Rarity*.
So, unfortunately (read - honestly), I was being a tad too selfish in not thinking of something new.
Peace. Have a nice day.
And thank you for stopping-by to leave a note. I really appreciate your time.
what a sweet post... beautiful pearl like words... !!
and congrats on ur new contact lenses.. they started my love story in college long time back..
aaj ye padh ke sab kuch yaad aa gaya.. !!
sigh !!
god bless u !
Very natural writing in simple words...and you maintained the suspense till the end.Very nice post.
@ Rahul- I sure hope she does :)
@ Kartz- Thanks a ton once again. I just love your writing never mind what you say :P
I just love the style too :)
My time? I'm glad you could take out your time and write such posts which are a treat for the eye!!
@ Sulo- Oh how can I ever be off with people like you. Sulo, as usual, you made my's bigger than ever cheeeeessseeee today
Eyes wide open (hope the lenses don't pop out) and teeth'll tear my face if i go beyond:P
@ Anirudh- :P
This comment made me feel you are so old....when you aren't :P
I'm glad I could help :)
@ Monk- Thanks a lot, for this sweet comment! I am really grateful :)
Good blog.How can i add follow me tag in my blog?
Haiku poetry
Hai it’s too much. Lol! But you’re smart to make this post really fantastic dear! Hope ur enjoying the summer vacation :)
he hee ;D
@ Haiku poems- I'll be honored. Thank you :)
dearest meghna
I'm really sorry for not visitng since long time! I guess I've been a bit too lazy..........
then hw was your exams?
your template looks cool!!
then ....... your article is great
Hope mr. A.R. Rahman sees this!!
Hi Meghna!
that must be a wonderful moment i bet you wish would never end.
lucky girl, you had him in few inches. great celebrity, great person.
nice day!
When people think the character is real--it's a compliment to the writer.
May all your dreams come true.
Love the story Meghna!
Hi Meghna!
That song was from Slum Dog Millionaire, right? I really want to watch that since it was really good and won lots of Oscars. Congrats on the contacts,I traded my glasses for contacts last September. I love them!
@ Poetess- Am so glad to see you! Where are you? Have yous tarted blogging again? Thanks about the template. Yes, and have reached class 9 also :)
SO glad to see you. Thanks a lot!
Keep in touch!
@ iriz- Certainly! But I just wish it wasn't a dream but a reality :)
@ Kathleen- awww.....I'm glad to hear that :)
Thanks a lot!
@ A_lvr- Thanks a lot :)
@ Dom- You should certainly watch it. It's great movie :)
Am glad you liked my post:)
I like A R Rahman too and he for sure have made all Indians proud.
Wow!! It's amazing when life decides to suddenly treat you one fine day,isn't it?!
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