Ugly Catty!

We all want to know the most beautiful man and woman in the world, the most beautiful city, the most beautiful picture etc. But yesterday, by a stroke of luck I put on my thinking cap about which was the most beautiful cat in the world! LOL!
Anyways, then I thought, why beautiful? But while browsing, I came upon some words hinting on some cat which is regarded as the ugliest cat in the world.
So I browsed the net about the ugliest cat, and came to know about the eight-year old cat "Ugly Bat Boy" (Uggs).
Uggs lives in a US veterinary hospital for his owner refused to take him, regarding him s the ugliest cat. He has become somewhat of a center of attraction in New Hampshire.
His physical appearance to be described is a real mess. His upper body is covered in a mesh of hair but the rest of his body is hairless and hard. The most probable reason for this maybe genetic fault. His tail is lean and rat-like while his face is a chaos of wrinkles.
He is now cared by Vet Dr. Stephen Barrett who felt touched for him after his owner abandoned him.
Isn't this strange? I mean, is it right to regard a cat as ugliest?? Do we humans not care? In our case we have Miss World, Miss India etc. which crowns the most beautiful lady, but then why don't we have a Miss Ugly or Mr. Ugly?
I guess that's the problem with us. God has certainly made us superior to animals and others on Earth, but we don't have the right to treat them as we wish, only because they cannot speak or understand our language.
Now, if you have any different thoughts, I'd be glad to hear them!! What's the comment section for, after all?
P.S- Good news! Uggs is attaining fame and has even been invited to a chat show.
P.P.S- I get my result tomorrow!!! O gosh!! Can you see my hair standing??
Uggs sure is a great cat...... may he/she live a happy life being the 'not so pretty'(anyways better than 'ugly') cat in the world.
Best of luck... hope u survive the judgement day. Don't worry, u'll do good.
Mera haal to puch mat.... exam khatam and immediatly off for the class trip. Back now and waiting to have a blast the next one week.
And finally, there is no virus on ur site. Sorry if i scared u earlier. Anyway, enjoy!
Sadly, the world is so obsessed on outward physical beauty that it often fails to see the inner beauty of others - cats included!
The deeper beauty that can befound within, will always outshine and outlive the shallow outward beauty that is often nothing more than a fleeting moment!
I will say one thing about this cat, is that at least when people look at this cat they will appreciate what I have to go through each and every morning when I look in the mirror to shave!
Come to think of it, I think I would definitely call that cat a "Donny Cat!" After all, he does have a remarkable resemblance, don't you think?
beautiful !!!! :D
not only we treat animals badly, also treat other human beings badly too! on the basis on gender, race, cast, religion... you name it and we have reasons not to be good to the fellow humans!!
People do feel pleasure in ridiculing others in that way they can show themselves that they are not pathetic...which they otherwise know they they make fun of others appearance... and if mr ugly and ms ugly happens it will be no less than a mockery...coz world is full of pathetic peoples and all they can see is appearances coz they have nothing good inside so they overlook in others too :)
it was a great thing u slected to wrie about..and that's what I like in u...
and good luck with the result..I kno u will score high...and do inform me :)
yeah - world is always looking for beauty is appearance, and when one is lacking that, they more often than not, gets sidelined... tell me - how did your results go? all the best for the results :-D
@ Adi- Glad to know! You must've had a blast!! Am glad....coz that certainly left me worried :P
I pray with you too....may Uggs have a happy life.
Thanks! Coz I did good!
@ Don- SO truly said. I don't know why humans fail to realize that. But I hope they will understand .....someday!
Ahhh.....than let me join in the brigade too. Call it meggie cat.
I won't let you and Uggs bear it alone!
@ HArsh- Wholeheartedly agreed bro :)
@ Sakhi- I bet you are right.....and it breaks them down pretty bad emotionally! :(
@ Sourish bhaiya- I'll always remember these words. After all, I'll have to face this world alone after a few years :)
Great result glad :P
@ Anoop- Very true BB! The results were fabulous....thanks god :)
truly said!!
happy to knw tht uggs is getting famous!
and yeh, gud luck for ur results! :D
hi meggie!
surely u have given a whole diffrnt thought this hols.. pathetically, face values depends on the "face" value! :-/
cant imagine a complete welcome for the idea.. but am sure ppl are given a hard whack of whats rly important once in a while.. n once the truth settles down deep in their minds - the mockery stops!
but i think the differentiation becomes instinctive having feasted the beauties of the world.. there is always two sides to a coin - good/bad, rt/wrong, beautiful n otherwise.. in the least branding something as ugly could have been avoided..
thts what i feel.. sry 4 the big comment :/
n well as 4 d result - am sure it wd have been grt!!! :)
I just want to pick up Uggs and give him a cuddle. Personally, I find him adorable.
i loved it. i even loved that cat. :p
its really ugly...........
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@ Swetha- Thanks a ton! Result was great :0
I'm happy too!
@ Sulo- Oh!!!! I just love your wrong comments. It gives me a brighter way to look at things....Seriously, if you don't know....I'm really obliged to you for making me learn so much!
I know the second side of the coin is brighter, but I just hope the bad side doesn't overshadow it!
@ Kei- me tooo.....maybe I can adopt him someday :)
@ Preeti di- LOL! And I love you!!
Thanks :)
@ Mahesh- I hope you are referring to what they did rather than the cat :)
Hi Meghna!
That cat isn't that ugly, it's just a little creepy. But then again never judge a book by its cover. The ugliest cat in the world could be the nicest. I am also an avid reader, I just devour books (figuratively not literally)and have always loved them. I also am an aspiring writer (I am trying to write a book currently).
Keep on blogging!
p.s. Check out my blog:
this cat is really very ugly
Haiku Poems collect ur award from my blog :)
Hey dearie,
I come back here after eons to find the pretty lady has gotten better n better !
A very genuine topic to discuss,what I feel is why is the necessity to even differentiate as beautiful or ugly, we're all humans to begin cant we just stayn treat each other the same ? How long is the exterior gonna last anyway ?!
Your results are due today I guess,eh ? Goodluck dear.
@ Dominique- Nice to find so many things in common. I'll sure pay a visit soon....good luck on the book
Rightly said, You cannot judge a book by its cover!!
@ Sourish bhaiyya- sorry sorry sorry :(
@ Cindy di- WOW!! So great to see u....soemone pinch me please.....owwww.....
It's really u.....soooooo gooood :)
Thnkuuu di....results out already....nice :)
@ Ajay- hey....that's rude :( Don't judge the book by its cover :)
Awww... poor kitty. I bet he/ she has a wonderful personality. It's sad that it was just tossed to the side. Glad someone felt he/ she needed care.
I, personally, don't want to be part of a Ms. Ugly contest. I want to believe no matter what the outside shell looks like, inside everyone has something worthwhile and beautiful.
@ Shirley- Noble thoughts. I wish all others thought like you :)
Hi Megan its Dominic I am in nicks class your right that cat is ugly it has no hair well anyways awsome post by for now.
The results were fabulous....thanks god . love your Blog
Uggs is very cute and looks to be a mix of a sphinx and something else. A sphinx is a bald kitty.. and so very cute ;) I love his eyes... and thank goodness for the soft hearted vet.. every creature needs a chance.. I have a little dog born with three legs and the breeder wanted to put her to sleep .. she is the sweetest and loving little dog.. I am very lucky to own her ;)
I think that the first impression is quite hard but those kind of animals have a great personality that I think I would love.
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"God has certainly made us superior to animals and others on Earth"
Most certainly not. You only think humans are superior, because you are human yourself. Much like the way the English, the Americans, the Japanese etc. etc. all seem to think they are superior to other nations, but they are not. Claiming superiority is nothing but self-centred arrogance.
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I love all cats, no matter what species. They are all differant, and I accept all the beautiful variety! Uggs is not ugly at all, just cool and different-special!
Cool site, love the info. Really useful information, Thanks for the good work.
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