The music was blaring, the heads were swinging, long locks were flying, the people were shouting and amidst this, I felt the indistinct vibration of my mobile phone in my pocket….
“Oho”, mumbled, and fished out my phone amidst the tangle of elbows and limbs.
The screen blared showing that it was an SMS from Ronny, my best buddy.
Somehow, I managed to move out of the avalanche of swinging bodies and zestfully shouting youths. When I was in a secluded corner, I clicked the keys and watched my mobile screen in anticipation.
The message said:
Hey……I’ve been ringing you up since an hour but no response. Where are you?
Anyways, forget where you are coz…..
You’ll never believe what just happened to me!!!!
My brows raised in anticipation. I quickly typed back a reply.
Ronny bro, I’m at the U2 concert I was telling you about. The ticket cost me 1000 bucks but I finally got it. The show’s going great. But what happened to YOU?
I clicked the send button, and turned my head towards the stage. There was full on music and fun, no eyes on me, everyone glued to the band.
My mobile vibrated again. A message..... I clicked the view option with much vigor.
You just need come by my place….
NOW!! Or it’ll be too late.
“What?” I shouted. “Oho, doesn’t he understand? I spent 1000 bucks to be here, and I’m enjoying it. Plus the money I spent on parking and drinks. It cost me much, and to top it all, this is the recession season.”
Damn. He’s a buddy, so I’ll go.
I turned one wistful eye towards the band and let my ear sweep in as much melodies as it could, and then turned away and walked to find my car in the jam packed parking lot.
My silver Volvo was visible and I jumped in and drove at whatever speed I could permit my dizzy mind. It was 10 pm, what was it with Ronny?
I took a sharp turn and finally reached his house. He lived in a run down apartment as a paying guest. It was certainly a shabby place. I parked my Volvo downstairs and rushed to the second floor.
I pushed at the door, and got a stingy surprise. It was closed, so I hurt my limbs. I then patiently got down to pressing the doorbell.
I heard Ronny shabby flipons banging on the floor, as he rushed to open the door.
The door finally opened, and he beamed in ecstasy, as a small baby who got the best gift. His strong arms pushed me in, and he took me to his room.
The lights were off, so he asked me to close my eyes. When the lights were switched on and I heard some frenzied noises of making some arrangements in the room, he finally allowed me to open my eye. My eyes almost popped out at what I saw.
There sat, in front of me, in a large pot, a tomato plant that I and Ronny had planted together last week. Today, there were some bright red balls, as on a jokers nose, on it. Two small tomatoes!!
“Isn’t it great?” Ronny watched my face in anticipation.
My fury rose up the meter as I heard this. I wasted some beautifully spent 1000 bucks, a good quantity of petrol…..and why? Just to watch two silly tomatoes at 11 pm?
I turned towards Ronny, but when I saw his childlike grin and bubbly face, my anger melted. After all, this is what friends were for. Isn’t it? I remembered times, when Ronny had paid for my tickets at PVR and times when he bought me coffee and drinks. Times we had spent together is bliss.
He was my BUDDY!
I finally faked a smile in return………
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