Just A Matter of Time

It is just a matter of time
Before the wound heals
It is just a matter of time
Before it stops to bleed
It is just a matter of time
Before you move on
It is just a matter of time
Before it won’t matter for long
It is just a matter of time
When the heart won’t hurt
It’s is just a matter of time
When the blood won’t burst
Just have a little patience
And bear it all the way
And when you see it’s bright again
You know it is the end today!
P.S- My exams are beginning soon so I'm all decked up with books these days. Forgive me for not visiting your blogs. Don't forget me, for I'll be back soon. Till then, keep reading..........
hop down to my page ...
And if it isn't a happy end..its not the end.
all the best for ya exams sissy :)..
nice poem
I don't see anything in the kite runner that makes it unsuitable for us...
But anyway, I have the freedom to read whatever i want... everybody's raised differently (:
All the best for the exams. Thanks for visiting my blog:)
@ Chriz- yes sir
@ Vish- :D
@ aayu- That;s what my poem says...I guess so :P :P
@ Hemu- Thanks bro....but there is time!!
@ Zawan- That's great. I'm glad you told me....thanks a ton!
@ Vaniq- Nice blog...thanks a lot :P
best of luck for your exams dear
catch ya sooon and do well
all the very best for your exams :)
@ Divi di an Sawan- Thanks a lot :D
Btw-forgot to tell you..I learnt html. Want something for your blog? :D
@ Aayu- Great! Will tell when needed :P
write your exams well.. all the best
Nice poem, All the best for you exam.
best of luck for your exams....do your best :D
Nice post, and don't you worry none - we understand about your exams. Just study hard and get good marks - we'll all be waiting for you when you get back.
Best of luck with the exams!
hey, thats nice poem, all the best for exams and looking forward to more poems.
@ Chriz- Sure...thanks :P
@ Kumaresan- Good wishes will work wonders :P
@ Harsh- I'll try....thanks :D
@ Don- I surely understand.....You all are my supporters forever...am so glad to hear from you :P
That was a good poem, eventually your wounds will heal. I hope you do well on your exams.
- Shawn
@ Shawn- I certainly hope they do!~
Thanks :P
beautiful poem... its just a matter of time but how much time?
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