The Pain of Love

Creative Writing, Stories, Poetry, Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Books, Bizarre, Humor ....
Created by Meghna at Wednesday, January 28, 2009 23 comments
Labels: Creative Writing, Nature, Story, Writing
Long time since I did the good old tags :)
This one is from jaggu and m.flower. Thanks to them!
It's a question answer round which goes thus:
1. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
A. There are so many….I guess having 1000 more dreams come true :P
2. Why do you blog?
A. It’s given in my ABOUT ME page……
3. Which is more blessed: loving someone or being loved by someone?
A. What do yo think? Loving my family or being loved by my family? I mean….this question has no answer!
4. If you could root for one social cause, what would it be?
A. Increasing literacy rates in the country
5. What takes you down the fastest?
A. Lies and buttering
16. What resurrects you the fastest?
A. God, Family and Friends and books
7. What’s your fear?
A. Obsession to good books and blogging? LOL! Nah….God!
8. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A. Cool and friendly
9. What’s the purpose of such Tags?
A. To get more post ideas?
10. Would you forgive and forget someone no matter how horrible a thing he has done?
A. I usually try to forget but if its too horrible, I come to revenge…ha…ha…:cruel me:
11. Who/what inspired you to start blogging?
A. My dad and other blogs
12. Tag 6 people.
Not doing this….anyone can pick up this tag!
Created by Meghna at Tuesday, January 20, 2009 30 comments
Created by Meghna at Monday, January 12, 2009 40 comments
Labels: Animals, Children, Creative Writing, India, Story, Writing
I found this really interesting tag at BB's place and decided to do it myself.
It's a New Year Meme and here goes:
1. Looking back on 2008, what might your theme song have been?
Ummm…..I guess Bum Bum Bole!
2. If 2008 was a movie, who would play you?
Okay…that’s silly. I mean who can play a better Me than ME??
3. What was your greatest gift of 2008?
OMG! Real tough question! I guess my friends and family have always been there for me to never let me feel like I don’t have something.
4. What is your New Year Resolution or, what are you committing to this year?
Better grades, better books and improved quality of writing…….and cooking better
5. If January could be represented by one song, what would it be?
Any song that describes the biting cold around here!!!
6. What do you wish for your body in 2009?
No fever or flu! And many more good clothes :D
7. Name one new thing you would love to try in the New Year.
Wowie… tour??
8. What do you long for 2009 to bring?
My next birthday??
9. If that happened, how would you feel?
10. Where would you love to vacation in 2009 if money were no object?
Space….thank gosh it’s possible now….a vacation on the moon sounds fun :D
11. What would you like the theme of 2009 to be?
12. If 2009 was a book, and the title was 5 words or less, what might the title be?
A Happy Life
Another tag is from Harsh!
Thanks bro :D
1.The age you will be on your next birthday
Okay….that’s easy….so it goes for you to guess!
2.A place you’d like to travel to
3.Your favorite place
Okay!! My balcony and terrace….LOL! I love birds….so any place where scenic beauty is visible does for me :D
4.Your favorite Food / Drink
Am a big foodie….so don’t ask me that…..but I love Chinese and grandma’s cooked food!
5.Your favorite pet
Frankly, am scared of cats and dogs……yup…even small ones or pups….but I’d love to have birds
6.Your favorite color combination
Ummmm………I like pink and black :D
7.Your favorite piece of
Nothing particular….anything that looks good and is comfortable!
8.You all time favorite song
Hindi song- Mitwa
English- Summer of ‘69
9.Your favorite TV show
Am a TV lover………can watch anything or everything that comes on TV :P
12.Your screen name / nickname
Silly question….that’s obviously visible!
13.Your First Job
Huh?? AM just in grade 8!!!!
14.Your Dream Job
Okay…Writer or Scientist and preferably Doctor
15.Bad Habit you have
Wowie….too many :D
16.Your worst fear
A day without computer, Tv and library!
17.The one thing you would like to do before you die
Live like I’d never die! BTW, here’s the LIST
18. The first thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000
Give it to dad and then whatever I like, I’d ask for money……laptop….mobile…i-pod…..
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