Shimmer Oh Candlelight Shimmer

Shimmer Oh candlelight shimmer
Though darkness and you shine
There is a faint glow but no light
The darkness dims but never vanishes
What happened to you- who does with all thy might?
Shimmer Oh candlelight shimmer
Your light flickers and dims
No idea what is happening
I stare longingly but the flames fly
As if far away a cry is calling
Shimmer Oh candlelight shimmer
All through a strong wind blows
You keep your might
But flicker…..
When will things get right?
Shimmer Oh candlelight shimmer
Then no longer can you bear
And you die away
What remains is only smoke
Though a flicker of hope still may…..
Shimmer Oh candlelight shimmer
Wish you a very Happy New Year :D
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The candlelight will continue shimmering if we keep our ray of hope illuminated..whatever maybe the difficulties!
And yes darling..we all remember its your birthday tomorrow. Wishing you a yapppy haaappy gappy birthday and loads of love and luck from me and all the rest f us!
PS_The she in my story was you
wish u a happy and a prosperous new year:))
Here's Wishing you a very happy and prosperous '09!!!!!
@ aayu- Agreed :P
Thanks.......Am sure you remember :D
I knw.....but vry wrong narration, or rendition i guess
@ brica nd rahul- Thank uuuuu!!! and same to you :D
The CAndlelight gives us th lesson that we should keep our the hopes alive to live a good life..
Nicely written..
A very happy New year to yOu..
@ Charu- Thanks....Exactly!
Happy New Year to you too :D
Happy New Year, Meghna!
Happy New Year, and all the best for your birthday. Lovely poem!
happy new year :)
the light shines the brightest
Wish you a Happy and Rocking 2009 and yeah Happy Birthday Meghs
wishin adventurous yr 4 d teen blogger! Rock on!
well am not over yet!
Heartiest bday wishes Meg!:D God bles u:)
hi..a new yr surprise for u..check out my blog!
happy new year! and warm birthday wishes!!
This was a wonderful piece. You remind me of the children singers in my recent post (link below), in that your talent goes far beyond your years!
Your not a child singer (as far as I know), but you do make your words 'sing' out as you pen them down! Your truly on your way to becoming a most wonderful wordsmith!
Here's the link to my post on some other amazing children:
Happy New Year in both your writing endeavors and personal life, my dear Meghna, and that too of all your fans, of which I'm your biggest!.
beautiful meghna.
n ye ye i remember
wish u a veryyyyyyy hap hap happpyyy budday and a rocking new year.
@ Alok- Thanks :D
You didn't remember, eh?
@ Damon- Thanks a ton :D
Am really glad!
@ Vish- Thanks. I hope it certainly does this '09
@ Rohan- LO!L Thanks a ton glad you remembered :D
@ SUlo- awww......that's really sweet of you :)
@ Karthik- Just checked and commented. Thanks a lot bro. Nice gift for me :P
@ Preeti di- That's a yippppeeeee birthday wish.....thankuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D
@ Don- It was so good to read your post. The children are certainly talented.
He...he....I cannot sing at all. But of course I'll follow your advice dear Dona nd become the best wordsmith.
Happy New Year to you too. Thanks a lot Don, for all your support and motivation :P
happy new year
i am back
@ Chriz- Thanks bro....and am really glad to hear that :P
@ Nikita- :D :hugs: :hugs: SAME TO YOU :P
Aaahh..em afraid to tell you that I'm the last person who speaks and analyzes and over analyzes just to prove her point..and you know that!
Straight out of my heart and mouth was what I wrote..found it genuine..gracias..did nt..sowwie..cant help it.. if my "friends" start havin problems frm my so-called "renditions"..thr probably an't anyway moving out..except writing a 100999 ft long apology..and yu knw I wouldn't do need to believe in me..for a change..kindly do that!
I woud be so much obliged if one of you could be kinder to me..just as a gft fr new year! :-D
@ Aayu- I guess there's no reply to this. This is not the place to discuss PERSONAL MATTERS.
Great poem, Meghna. Happy New Year too :)
hey Meghna thats so beautiful!
There's a fire inside of me that will never die...thats what keeps me going.
This verse reminded me of it :)
@ Manic- Thanks :P
A very Happy new Year!
@ Keshi- Aww....I'm so glad you took out that beautiful meaning.....Love ya....
Lovely poem dear!Happy New Year :)
God Bless!
Just saw Preeti's comment,aapka b'day tha?
Happy Birthday sweetie!May all you dreams come true :)
happy birthday to u..... :D ... and a very happy new year too... ;)
@ Sammy di- Thanks a lot....yep it was my birthday on New Year!
@ Harsh- same to you bro....have a ice time this year and grow :P
heya kiddo
I was outta I m late....sorryy
..a very happy new year and loads of wishes for u birthday or better new year of ur life
@ Sourish- Thank goodness....and imagine me thinking that you might have forgotten :)
Thanks a lot bade bhai....your wishes do wonders always :P
Hi Meghna!
You've been tagged! Check out my post on "7 Things You Don't Know About Me" and then it's your turn to write you own post on the subject. So... happy blogging!
You can find my post at:
Lauren :)
Hey honey
wish a u great year and a great life ahead
has emailed u but looks like u don check ur gmail
i don have access to blogger from client office so don blog much these days but can check gmail so netime u publish sumthin... do send me the link ok?
Luv u loads... muaz n hugs
@ lauren- Thanks a lot... just chckd and commented:P
@ Divi di- I do read my mails and read yours too! sorry i didn't reply :P
Oh i understand....anywayz I knw you are there....
Love ya :D
What beautiful poems about candlelight. I just love how you spin your poems so brilliantly and with great talent.
May the flicker of fire always shine within your soul my sister! You write so well... I totally loved these poems. Nice work! Keep it up! I would never be able to write as well as what you have posted here!! WELL DONE.
Plus, Happy New Year and thanks for commenting. Hope your 2009 will be a fantastic one and thanks for your encouragement, and care you provided when I needed it most. Thanks also for voting and telling your friends to vote for me too. It made me feel so jolly!
PLUS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MAY YOU BE TREATED LIKE A PRINCESS! Sorry I haven’t commented for a bit, I have just been rushing and barely have any time. Please forgive me! Anyways… LOVELY POST, LOVELY WORDS, LOVELY PICTURES…
Hugs of 2009, Nadine
@ Nadine- Better late than never :D
hanks a lot.......all these words here make me really happy. You made my day by that sweet comment. Will never forget you and will always continue writing :)
nice post, merci pour votre partage, je suis vraiment très heureux t voir votre message. je prêterai une attention pour vos again.thanks message
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