Twitter??? What, that eh? Ever heard about it?
Twitter is a wonderful microblogging platform. I am sure all of you will agree to that if you join in (or if you are already there too!). As you know, I'm an avid user of Twitter too.
Now, with the holidays round the corner, I'm planning to start a new writing project in twitter- Tweet A Book. As it is a new unique and innovative concept, I'm sure all of you would be interested. So, here it goes:
The Concept:
To write a mini-book or novelette (or even a full-length book) COMPLETELY as a series of 140-characters (or less) tweets... on Twitter!
How to start:
- Anyone can join in. Just sign up on Twitter and follow @Tweet_A_Book, so I'll know who's in.
- If you're already on Twitter, to keep your "Tweet A book" project distinct from your regular Twitter account, it is recommended that you register a new one for this project e.g. with your user name being '(YourName) Writes', or '(YourName) TweetBook', or anything else you like. By the way, I started mine as @MeghnaWrites.
What is to be done?
The idea is to write a book. It can be a short story, long story, novelette or novel. This can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry or anything interesting you feel like.
How to write it?
Whenever an idea for a story or anything comes to your mind, post it as a tweet in your new Tweet A Book account. Then you need to develop that sole idea into a story. Then continue psoting your story/book as a series of tweets. That's all.
Any conditions?
Just one. Each tweet should stand alone as a separate post/message of 140 characters, which means you can't pause in the middle of a long sentence and continue it in the next tweet!
Any fee to join?
No, it's completely free!!
What do I get out of it?
No promises, but we'll try to get the collection of completed novelettes printed by a publishing house (if it is good enough) or at least distribute it as an ebook, making you famous even if not rich!
Period of Tweet A Book project:
From 21st Decemebr to 31st December, 2008
When do I get started?
The event begins on Dec.21st - But be an early bird, register now and get to work planning your content.
By when does the book have to be done?
The New Year Eve. December 31st is when this year ends - and along with it, the 'Tweet A Book' project too.
How many people are participating?
Not sure yet, but we're hoping to have dozens, if not hundreds!
Can I team up with my friend(s) to participate?
Yes, as long as you're collaborating on the same story, that's fine with me.
Any prizes?
Maybe. Again, no promises - but if we find sponsors, we might throw in a few nice gifts for those who write the most popular book - and everyone who finishes theirs too!
How am I managing this?
Got any more questions?
Post it here as a comment and I'll answer it.
Now, tell me, isn't it easy and interesting? Are you in it?
Note: As I waste lots of my time in twitter, you may follow me @MeghnaK