Creative Writing, Stories, Poetry, Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Books, Bizarre, Humor ....
Created by Meghna at Friday, February 20, 2009 34 comments
Labels: Children, Creative Writing, Exams, India, School, Writing
It’s time to update you about home and school I guess! Long….. long time eh?
Okay, so at school, luckily the exams have been postponed to 2nd of March. But teachers have unfortunately completed the course in all subjects and thus there is some pretty tough revision going on. We had the Physics test today…..wheeewww……It was so very tough. I mean the paper had us all sweating man!
Okay……enough about studies. Other than that, school’s pretty much boring with nothing much. Our English teacher keeps on teaching Shakespeare and half the class dozes off. Here, I also wrote a poem on it:
Shakespearean English and the Dozing Off!
The boring lines that Shakespeare wrote
The same way our teacher goes
The students are pretty much busy too
Holding one dropping head there, or two
Here she goes, not caring at all
Whether we listen
Or the dozing heads fall
The rhythmic snoring
With Portia roaring
Or Juliet calling out to Romeo
Yet students all drooling
Ah here goes, the verses he wrote
Oh why? Mr. Shakespeare?
Why trouble us both?
I can’t bear it any longer
So this poem stands in the memory of those
Who slept in heavenly bliss
Waiting for the bell to ring.
At home everything is pretty much usual. My brother also has his exams beginning the same day as me…
Oh helll….off I go now…and bury myself with those piles of books…...7 chapters in History, 5 in Biology, 4 in Chemistry, 8 in Physics, 4 in English……Oh my gosh….and not even a month….
Hey…any help or ideas how I can complete it all??
P.S- How can I forget about Maths? I have nightmares everyday!
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Created by Meghna at Monday, February 02, 2009 31 comments
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