Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Record Fail!

Seriously guys, reading newspapers these days is worth it…..nah… not talking about the rising rates of crime or the economic recession. But just think about the bizarre news these papers publish.

I was flipping through the paper this morning and stumbled upon an interesting bit of news about a South Korean Grandmom (Granny) who just cannot give up. This lady, known as Cha has failed her driving test……so whats the big deal, eh? Many do…..but no….she has failed for the 771st time. WOW~

For a record number, this 68 year old, Cha, has appeared for the test almost every working day since 2005 at Jeonju. (OMG!! How can one be so determined?) . And this Monday, she failed again, creating a record number of fails!

And imagine what? The local newspaper reports say that she might appear again.

Choi Yong-Cheol, a police sergeant supervising the test in the city's Deokjingu district says that Cha could not get through the preliminary written section of the test. She left behind margin of 10, getting 30-50 whereas the pass marks were 60.

"It was a record-breaking number here," Choi Yong-Cheol, a police sergeant supervising the test said.

Cha is a 68 year old lady, who sells food and household items door to door at apartment complexes, carrying the items in a handcart, but wants to get a car for her business.
Estimates say that she has spent almost five million won ($5600) to take the written tests in addition to other expenses.

I have full sympathies for this poor lady. But whatever you say, one cannot stop being in awe of this 68 year old. If this had happened to me, I would have just appointed a driver and left LOL!

Anyways, here she stands strong on the saying, try try until you succeed, and even if you don’t, just try to get this recognition, and then you'd do better :P

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I am a lover of children's literature

Poor lady, I too, have to admire her determination, but, obviously, she needs to do a lot more than just retake the test, time and time, again!

I can't help but feel that if they gave her the long sought after drivers license, she would end up killing somebody!

She gets a A+ for her efforts, but I give the government an A+ plus for not giving her a license!

She should consider a bicyle, it would be safer for her and all involved.

Oh, by the way, if she fails just another 80 or 90 times, she'll equal my record!


Hi Meghna!

Tag, you’re it!! It is your turn to write a post about “The 10 Things I Want to Do Before I Die”. If you want to check out my post at:


She is a woman ‘Ghajini’ – which is a name of an emperor who lost many times in battle… but he kept on trying until he won it. I too had read this news. Nice post dear :)

Poor lady, she dint born in India, where she can make it with few dollars. I read an article in the week magazine sometimes back, where an officer caught by police for make fake license with pictures of President, Prime Minister and some VIPs!


@ Don- LOL! I gotta agree.....she gets an A + and the government too. Yea....she could seriously consider a bicycle as a better option :)

Hey....what you talking about? Driving test? OMG! You too ;P


@ Lauren Thanks a lot. I'll check it out soon!


@ Jeevan- he...he...thanks for sharing this info. I had no idea about ghajini :)

I agree. In India, everything is possible with just a few crisp notes :(



my driving tests wolud have gone d same way...had i been allowed to sit behind d steering!!! :P


Hi Meghna,
Wow! That is a lot of driving tests. I think I agree with you I woul hire a driver.

Swetha Padakandla

hats off to that lady.. so much determination on gaining something!
am still surprised abt this..
thanx for sharing it..!!!



venture, thanks for sharing


@ Trinaa- LOL! Hey..she's old...but you aren't so buck up :P


@ Nicholas- sure is :)


@ Jag- Most welcome :)


@ Swetha- Yea...I agree with you :)
Most welcome again!


I would pay my respect to this lady. She is a great woman.


It's try try until you succeed. But what she doesn't realise is that it's too late...


@ Joe- I am with you :)


@ Alok- hey! Don't say that.... maybe she passes this time, but will be a bit too late! :(


a prime example of the sayin...
but honestly "wow"


@ Vandita di- Another in the admiration society :P

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