Monday, May 11, 2009


11:30 am

It’s the greatest day in the world- why not? After all, India finally won the most coveted match against Australia. We SHOULD have a celebration- a GRAND one that is!

And who else, better than ME who arranges for the party and the celebrations? I AM the self confessed greatest cricket fan and lover ever!!! Go INDIA Go : )


Hello DJ (short for DHANANJAY)?

Yes yes….I’m very happy about the win, it was by a great margin too. A fabulous play by the boys!

Yes, so I was thinking why not have a celebration?

At my house.

I’ll arrange for the music and food.

But look, the party will be incomplete without fireworks marking India’s win.

Guessed it right bro. This is where I need your help.

Can you arrange for all the fireworks and manage the fire display? I’ll be grateful.

Yes thanks dude. An hour, right?


12:10 pm

One thing managed, now let me get to my work.

1:00 pm

Invites- DONE

2:00 pm

Food- Arranged

3:00 pm

Invites- SENT

4:00 pm

Music and DJ (Disk Jockey)- ARRANGED

5:00 pm

Lunch and Rest- Weewww! DONE


All set.

Now I gotta go and get ready

9:00 pm

Party begins in full swing. The fire display by DJ is the greatest rave throughout the party

11:30 pm

Senile residents near by call to complain about the loud music and fire display but calls ignored

12:00 midnight

A rocket goes and hits the roof of neighbor’s shed. DJ runs away and so do most invitees so that they don’t get into trouble.

12:30 am

The shed burns down. Neighbors out of town and others are all asleep. I go myself and somehow manage to douse the fire.

01:00 am

I decide to peek inside and check what was destroyed. I have a peek and

01:04 am

OMG! My cricket gear all burned black and blue…..I remember I had rented this shed from Mrs. Kabadia a week ago to store my lavish cricket gear which has all now blown up in ashes !

This is what happens to those who trouble their neighbors late at night over wins in petty cricket matches. (Don’t dispute me here- not even cricket lovers please!) And Oh my! The ongoing IPL-season 2 matches are really a scare with my crazy cricket loving neighbors and brother !!

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Swetha Padakandla

hey, that was gud!
wel, i have no interest in cricket nor in celebrating its winning.. :P
so am nt a trouble maker.. :D

and indeed a nice way of passing such a gud msg!


Swetha Padakandla

OMG! me first..?
yipppeeee :D


Yippee im second or third! Nice msg..Even cricket doesnt interest me! My brother toh is always watching it..He loves it..But as swetha said we arent trouble makers!



Lesson learnt the hard way? LOL. Yes, one should definitely enjoy happy occassions but not at the cost of somebody's peace. Hope you are glued to TV for IPL.

Still waiting for your views.

Take care

Priya Joyce

my goodness...i was thinking of another end lol

well anyway..liked the way u put it heh a cricket fan..well i too hav done this cracker thing ..:P ut tat was wen India won the 2007 wc..

lovely moment..still tat was wen all my neighbours were celebrating :P

well liked the way u put thru the messg :)

I am a lover of children's literature

I have no idea how to play cricket, but considering your misadventure, maybe that's a good thing?


ha ha.. gud one..

din xpect it to end dis way.. rtly chose ipl hanh?!

so, princess hws the hols goin..


for a moment I thought I just discovered yet another great cricket lover .... climax changed it all ... lol

I agree cricket is not something to set your neighbor's house on fire :P

I am a lover of children's literature

Dear Meghna, I recently came across another child prodigy and I naturally thought of you! She is not an artist with words, but pictures and is the same age as you = sweet 13.

Her name is Akiane, an American and her website is:

By the way, she earns over a million dollars a year with her art! Some day you'll do the same with your books and story's, I'm pretty sure of that.


@ Swetha- Birds of a feather, flock together, eh? Love ya :P

Am so glad to have found a mate who doesn't literally think of cricket as religion!


@ Swetha- Yipppppeeeee :D


@ Priya- LOL!! OMG!! U too? Shai.....:sigh:
I guess this is a world which cannot survive without cricket

:resigned sigh:



@ Princess- 2nd...dontca worry!! All bros are such :)
The non-troubling trio :D


@ Jack- Yay!! It should be hard for troubles over such trivial matters. Me n IPL??? I think I'd rather watch some other yoga practice or something LOL!!


@ Don- Another non cricket lover, eh?


@ Sulo- LOL!! I always had it in mind :P

No hols....they begin on the 20th :(
SOoooo late.....just in the name of class 9, more syllabus n growing up!! But does that mean we don't feel the heat :|


@ HArsh- O my!! you another specie like my bro. Thanks god, atlest you bro says all's fair in cricket n love :D


@ Don- Girls like her are really an inspiration. Thanks for sharing......I hope to do so someday soon :)
Am off to her place!

Toon Indian

lolz..that's a nice story..and Mrs. kabadia :P, does this character exist in real life(I mean by that name)....vaise who cares about the neighbours if India wins :)))


cricket se intan pyar....lalit modi dekhta toh knna khush hota :P

ye ye knight rider jeet gyi :P


@ Rahul- I do!!!!! All i care about are the neighbors :P
umm....noooo :P


@ Sourish bhaiya- LOL!! Itna prachar n no assar :P
KKR is useless....srsly!

LAlit Modi....m ur biggest fan :D


blog walking
nice to be here


Hey this was good. Very nice writing dude. Keep it up.


@ Shimi- Hey!! hope you enjoyed it :)


@ Jaggu- Thanks a ton!!

Sheikh Binoy

Hey Mini (Now you are not mini, but became Mega),

It was a good one. But being a die-hard cricket lover like ur dad & brother, I do not agree with this. As u rightly said, the celebrations should not disturb others. As far as ur celebrations are limited, there is no harm in that. We, in India, get a lot of occassions to celebrate and I believe that you should enjoy and celebrate each and every occassion 4 sure :)

I still remember the India-Pakistan match we've seen from ur home back in 2003 along with ur bro & dad... Believe me, those kind of nail-biting games are really thrilling experience and I'm sure ur bro & dad will support me on that point :)


Nice blog....


a awesome artical,i like your work.

Richa P Madhwani

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